Ben Dwyer began his career in the processing industry in 2003 on the sales floor for a Connecticut‐based processor. As he learned more about the inner‐workings of the industry, rampant unethical practices, and lack of assistance available to businesses, he cut ties with his employer and started a blog where he could post accurate information about credit card processing. As the blog gained in popularity, Ben began directly assisting merchants in their search for a processor. Ben believes in empowering businesses by providing access to fair, competitive pricing, accurate information, and continued support. His dedication to transparency and education has made CardFellow a staunch small business advocate in the credit card processing industry.
B2B, Credit Card Processing
First Data and its sales channel Ignite Payments announced a new service. It’s called the Commercial Card Interchange Service, and the goal is to help you reduce interchange fees on certain transactions made with a commercial credit card. In exchange for helping you save money on commercial transactions, First Data/Ignite takes 50% of the reduction […]
If you’re seeing a line on your processing statement labeled “COMM CARD I/C SAVINGS ADJ” or “COMM CARD INTCHG SERVICE,” you’re probably wondering what that is.
Credit Card Processing, Security and PCI Compliance
It’s a huge opportunity to beat sales forecasts, but fraud can quickly eat into the revenues generated. Data breaches are on the rise, and, while you see the increased holiday traffic as a way to be nice to customers, hackers see it as an opportunity to be naughty. Protecting customer information and securing financial transactions […]
The holiday season brings an increase in customer traffic and purchases. More than 164 million consumers planned to shop on Thanksgiving weekend alone, according to the National Retail Federation, while a Deloitte survey found 51% of that spending will be done online.
Credit Card Processing
Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, is also the founder of Square Cash and serves as CEO of both companies. It was on Twitter that these customers announced the existence of the new feature, bringing it to public attention. Bitcoin prices soared after the Square Cash project came to light. What does it have to […]
Bitcoin is booming, and other companies want to capitalize on the cryptocurrency’s appeal. One such company is Square Cash, which recently began allowing certain customers to buy and sell the alternative currency.
Credit Card Processing
In some cases, it’s simply that there’s a limited feature “free” version, while in other cases, you’ll be required to use additional services such as signing up with a particular credit card processor. POS Software vs. System Free POS Options Credit Card Processing with a POS System Proprietary POS Systems How do “free” POS companies […]
You know the saying: there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Yet some companies promote “free” POS software or systems, so what’s the catch?
Credit Card Processing, ecommerce
There’s also an abundance of online website building services that provide ecommerce options. Services like SquareSpace, Weebly, and Wix provide sophisticated templates, an easy-to-use interface, and integrations that make setting up an online store quick and easy. Finally, you have the ubiquitous WordPress. As the most popular website publishing and content management platform in the […]
When it comes to selling products online, ecommerce entrepreneurs have never had more choices — from specialized ecommerce services like Shopify or Volusion through to bespoke ecommerce websites, there are plenty of options for online retailers.
Credit Card Processing
Now the governing body NACHA – formerly known as the National Automated Clearing House Association – aims to change that by launching the API Standardization Industry Group (ASIG) to develop an “API Playbook.” Let’s take a look at what API standardization would mean and how it would function. What is an API? Using APIs What […]
While application programming (APIs) have long been basic components of communication between different apps, there is not yet standardization for them.
Credit Card Processing, Legal
The court heard arguments in early 2018 and ruled in late June. Let’s look at the arguments on both sides and the results of the case. Ohio v. American Express The States’ Argument American Express’ Argument History of the Case – Lower Court Rulings How Ohio v. American Express Could Affect Your Business Results of […]
You may have heard that a case involving American Express went to the Supreme Court. The case, Ohio v. American Express, determined whether businesses are allowed to suggest customers use lower cost credit cards when paying for purchases.
Business, Credit Card Processing
In this article, we’ll take a look at what Venmo is, current acceptance options, and the company’s plans for business acceptance to answer the question, “Can I take Venmo at my business?” What is Venmo? Venmo and Business Business Limitations Venmo Through PayPal Issues with Venmo for Commercial Transactions Competitors: Symple What is Venmo? Venmo […]
With bill splitting apps like Venmo rising in popularity, especially among younger demographics, many businesses are wondering about accepting those payment methods directly. While Venmo does allow for business use, there are limitations – as well as some concerns – to be aware of.