Interchange Fees

Discover Interchange Rates

There are interchange rates for all Discover card types, including debit, credit, international, and commercial cards. The fee varies by entry method (in-person, keyed, or recurring) as well. In this article, we’ll include the interchange rates grouped by card type. What are interchange fees? Discover Interchange Rates Credit Interchange Rates Debit Interchange rates Regulated Debit […]


When you accept Discover cards at your business, you’ll pay fees to Discover, called interchange. These rates vary by card type, entry method, and other details.

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Interchange Fees

Mastercard Standard Interchange Downgrade

Every time you accept a credit card at your business, you’re charged a fee. Part of that fee comes from interchange, but there are hundreds of interchange categories. Each transaction has a “target” interchange category (and associated cost) that a transaction should qualify for if basic requirements are met. However, if those requirements aren’t met […]


An interchange “downgrade” happens when a credit card transaction doesn’t meet requirements for a preferred interchange category.

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Interchange Fees

Mastercard Merchant UCAF Interchange Fees

SecureCode is Mastercard’s “3D Secure” technology solution. It’s designed to help prevent fraud and unauthorized purchases by adding a layer of customer authentication. Unfortunately, 3D Secure is not very common in the United States. However, properly implementing it can benefit your business not only in terms of reduced fraud, but also by lowering your interchange […]


Mastercard’s Universal Cardholder Authentication Field (UCAF) interchange categories determine the interchange fees a business pays if it uses Mastercard SecureCode.

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Interchange Fees

Mastercard Interchange Fees for Restaurants

Specifically, Mastercard does not have a restaurant-specific category for basic consumer credit cards. However, it does have restaurant-specific categories for consumer “rewards” cards, debit cards, and prepaid cards. In this article, we’ll take a look at the credit card rates for restaurants that accept Mastercard. Looking for a more general explanation of credit card processing […]


Restaurants that accept Mastercards may see specific restaurant interchange fees or general fees. That’s because Mastercard has restaurant-specific categories for some cards, but not others.

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Interchange Fees

Mastercard Merit 1 Interchange Fees

It’s Mastercard’s way of referring to common “card not present” transactions, meaning online and keyed payments. It applies to several possible card types (including credit, debit, and prepaid) and both rewards and non-rewards cards. It does not apply to “card present” transactions where you swipe a card through a terminal. This article gets into finer […]


Merit 1 (or Merit I) is a set of Mastercard interchange categories that dictate the rates for certain Mastercard payments.

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Interchange Fees

CPS Car Rental and CPS Hotel – Card Not Present Interchange

“Card not present” or CNP refers specifically to any transaction that is not swiped (for magnetic stripe cards), dipped (for EMV chip cards) or tapped (for contactless payment methods like Apple Pay.) If you don’t physically run a card through a machine using one of those methods, the card is considered “card not present.” If […]


CPS Car Rental, CPS Hotel, and CPS Passenger Transport are interchange categories that determine the interchange fees a business in one of those industries pays to accept a debit or prepaid card online or by keying it in.

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Interchange Fees

CPS Hotel and CPS Car Rental Card Present Interchange

We’re also including “CPS Passenger Transport” (such as airlines, cruises, and railways) interchange categories in this article. The reason is that all of these industries fall under “travel and entertainment” and many have the same requirements and rates despite the different business types. These categories only apply to “card present” transactions made with prepaid cards […]


“CPS Hotel” and “CPS Car Rental” are Visa interchange categories that determine the rates and fees a hotel or car rental agency will pay to accept debit or prepaid cards in person.

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Interchange Fees

Visa International Card Not Present Interchange

For the purposes of interchange, “international” cards are credit and debit cards issued by a bank located outside of the United States. Visa also sometimes refers to the cards and interchange as “interregional” instead of international. These categories apply to both international credit and debit cards in a “card not present” (CNP) transaction. They do […]


The international card not present interchange categories determine the fee a U.S.-based business will pay to accept an international Visa card online or by keying in card details.

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