Ben Dwyer began his career in the processing industry in 2003 on the sales floor for a Connecticut‐based processor. As he learned more about the inner‐workings of the industry, rampant unethical practices, and lack of assistance available to businesses, he cut ties with his employer and started a blog where he could post accurate information about credit card processing. As the blog gained in popularity, Ben began directly assisting merchants in their search for a processor. Ben believes in empowering businesses by providing access to fair, competitive pricing, accurate information, and continued support. His dedication to transparency and education has made CardFellow a staunch small business advocate in the credit card processing industry.

Credit Card Processing

Less Discount Paid Means Less Money for You

“Less Discount Paid” Defined “Less discount paid” is the term that credit card processing services use to indicate the amount of money that a business has paid in fees throughout a given month. Howeer, in order to determine the total amount paid in processing fees that month, you have to add “less discount paid” to […]


The phrase “less discount paid” on a processing statement can be confusing. It actually means the amount that you’ve paid in processing fees already.

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Credit Card Processing

The Best Small Business Credit Card Processing

This article isn’t going to just give you a list of “best credit card processors” for one simple reason: the “best” credit card processor for small businesses varies depending on the business. That’s right. Your industry, average transaction size, monthly volume, and more all play a role in the best fit. The best processor for […]


So you think that just because you have a small business you can’t get the competitive credit card processing rates that big businesses get? Think again!

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Credit Card Processing

Credit Card Processing Refunds: Is Your Processor Stealing Your Money?

Luckily, plugging the cash flow leak is possible by getting interchange pass through pricing instead of bundled pricing, and knowing what to look for. You don’t have to worry about losing money on credit card refunds if you found your processor here at CardFellow. We don’t allow processors to structure pricing in such a way […]


If your business has bundled credit card processing fees, your processor is pocketing your fee credits every time you issue a debit or credit card refund. Are you in an industry that regularly accepts returns and issues refunds like clothing and shoe stores, general merchandise retailers, or electronics stores? This affects you.

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Credit Card Processing

Non Qualified Rate: A Figment of Your Processor Imagination

If so, you’ll be really happy to learn that non-qualified rates are nothing more than a figment of your processor’s imagination often used to increase profits through the practice of excessive surcharging. Non-qualified rates can be easily avoided, and this article will show you how to rid yourself of non-qualified fees forever. The Frustration of […]


Are you looking at your credit card processing statement every month while banging your head against the wall trying to figure out how to lower your non-qualified credit card processing fees?

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Credit Card Processing

Visa Acquirer Processing Fee (APF)

The Acquirer Processing Fee is sometimes called the Visa Authorziation Processing Fee. Note that Visa charges a separate acquirer processing fee for debit and credit card transactions. The APF for credit card transactions is $0.0195, and the APF for debit card transactions is $0.0155. For debit, the APF only applies to signature-based debit authorizations, not […]


Visa began charging an acquirer processing fee (APF) on July 1, 2009 on all authorizations acquired in the United States. The acquirer processing fee is a flat transaction fee.

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Credit Card Processing

Costco Credit Card Processing = A Big Mistake!

In fact, Costco doesn’t even provide credit card processing. Instead, they outsource merchant services to a company called Elavon. In the past, Costco offered merchant accounts using tiered pricing with bait and switch rates. In short, you will pay through the nose to process credit cards, and you’ll likely be stuck doing it until your multi-year […]


Costco may sell some things at wholesale prices, but it’s not merchant accounts.

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Credit Card Processing

Average Credit Card Processing Fees

What your business pays in processing fees depends on a number of factors, including your industry, the type of card, how you accept cards, if you take PIN or signature debit, and more. It also depends on whether you have a CardFellow wholesale credit card processing membership or if you obtained your merchant account outside […]


We get this question a lot here at CardFellow: “What’s the average credit card processing fee for a [insert your business type here] business?” There are easy answers to this question, and then there are the right answers.

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Credit Card Processing

Daily Vs. Monthly Discount Cost

Some processors only offer daily discounting, while others offer a choice. If you open a merchant account that lets you choose, monthly discount is usually the better option. Let’s look at the differences between daily and monthly discount. Difference Between Daily and Monthly Discount Monthly Discount Easier to Reconcile, Better Cash Flow Daily Discount Harder […]


Daily and monthly discount refer to when a credit card processor deducts fees from your business checking account for processing your credit card transactions. There’s a big difference between the two, so give careful thought to which method is best for your business.

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