Ben Dwyer began his career in the processing industry in 2003 on the sales floor for a Connecticut‐based processor. As he learned more about the inner‐workings of the industry, rampant unethical practices, and lack of assistance available to businesses, he cut ties with his employer and started a blog where he could post accurate information about credit card processing. As the blog gained in popularity, Ben began directly assisting merchants in their search for a processor. Ben believes in empowering businesses by providing access to fair, competitive pricing, accurate information, and continued support. His dedication to transparency and education has made CardFellow a staunch small business advocate in the credit card processing industry.
Credit Card Processing
My guess is that you’re starting your search for a processor by heading to Google to read reviews on the “best” credit card processors, or to find the processors with the lowest “rates.” Or perhaps you’re trying to verify something you were told by one of the dozen merchant services salespeople that seem to call […]
Credit card processing fees are through the roof, the industry is chock-full of shysters, and every time you try to find a better processor you end up the same or worse off than you were before. That’s because you’re doing it wrong.
Credit Card Processing
Some credit card processors simply lump kratom with marijuana and refuse to provide merchant accounts for either substance. Others are willing to provide merchant accounts for kratom, but you can expect to go through a lengthier approval process and pay fees that reflect kratom’s high risk processing status. What is “high risk” processing? What is […]
Kratom is different than marijuana and CBD, but sellers often run into the same problems as marijuana dispensaries when it comes to obtaining a merchant account.
Case Studies
The problem: A narrow cancellation window on an automatically-renewing contract, constant rate increases, and high commercial card usage. The solution: CardFellow’s no cancellation fee guarantee, lifetime rate lock protection, and expert assistance with commercial cards. Jim McCormac wasn’t thrilled with highway construction starting near his business, but credits it with a shift from running a […]
Jim McCormac knew that his company, Best Box Lunches, was overpaying for credit card processing. But with a narrow cancellation window on his contract and limited time to research processing, he wasn’t sure about making a switch. Then he found CardFellow.
Accounting and Finance, Credit Card Processing
Much like competitor Square Capital, Clover Capital provides merchant cash advances to customers. Cash advances are typically easier to obtain than small business loans, but do have some potential drawbacks to consider. Let’s take a look at what Clover offers and what it means for your business’s cashflow. Clover Capital Other Companies Called Clover Capital […]
Businesses using Clover systems may be eligible to borrow funds for business purposes through the Clover Capital cash advance program.
Credit Card Processing
There are several choices, each with different costs and features. In this article, we’ll cover the monthly fees for Clover plans, hardware/software compatibility, and what you get with each software plan. Clover Equipment Clover Software Plans Full Service Dining: Table Service Quick Service Dining: Counter Service <li>Retail Shops Professional Services Personal Services Home & Field […]
If you use Clover credit card processing equipment, you’ll need to pick a software plan along with the machine. Which Clover software plan is right for you?
Case Studies
The Issue: Constant rate increases and not knowing if current rates are truly the best. The solution: CardFellow’s lifetime rate lock and free ongoing statement audits to ensure the lowest possible pricing. It wasn’t the first time Tom had switched processors. For 27 years, HeartMath, LLC had provided research-based solutions to help people lower stress, […]
For Tom Beckman, a notification of a rate increase wasn’t unexpected, but it was the final straw. It was time to look for a new credit card processor, again.
Credit Card Processing
When it comes to choosing between Square and Clover, you’ll want to consider the cost not just for hardware but the processing fees as well. In this article, we’ll cover features and processor compatibility as well as examine how the most comparable devices in each line stack up side by side. General Features Square Capital […]
Both companies offer sleek, modern-looking POS systems, credit card machines, and mobile readers, but how do they compare in terms of costs, features, and processor compatibility?
B2B, Credit Card Processing
Visa and Mastercard have separate interchange categories for level III transactions, so providing all of the required information can result in savings if your business accepts a lot of cards that are level III eligible. However, not all cards are level III eligible, and not all gateways are capable of passing level III data. Let’s […]
Level III (or level 3) data refers to providing specific line item details at the time of a purchasing card or government card transaction beyond what is required for consumer card transactions.