Credit Card Processing

EMV Fallback: Fees and Definitions

There are a few situations where this can happen, which we’ll take a look at in this article. While occasional fallback transactions are okay, too many can bring fines and other penalties. Additionally, magnetic stripe transactions are not as secure as chip transactions, so you’re opening yourself up to greater liability if you don’t properly […]


EMV fallback refers to a transaction where a customer uses an EMV (chip) card in a chip-capable terminal, but the transaction doesn’t go through as a chip transaction. Instead it “falls back” on magnetic strip technology.

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Credit Card Processing

EMV PIN Debit – Common Questions and Problems

PIN debit and signature debit transactions have different fee structures. You may pay more for one or the other, depending on the amount of the transaction and other factors. It’s important to know when a customer will be prompted for a PIN. EMV Debit vs. PIN Debit My new EMV terminal doesn’t require a PIN […]


With EMV chip cards, some customers aren’t prompted for PINs when entering their debit cards, with the machine instead defaulting to signature debit. Why does this matter, and what can you do about it?

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Credit Card Processing

What’s the Difference Between EMV and NFC?

More people use credit cards for payments and mobile phones are becoming a popular consumer payment option as well. Apple, Android, Samsung, and Chase all offer ways for customers to use their smartphones for payments, and new services are popping up all the time. So what’s the difference between EMV and NFC, and why should […]


There was once a time when all you had to worry about was having enough cash on hand to provide customers with change. Those days are long gone. These days you need to be prepared to handle a slew of payment options.

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Credit Card Processing

FreshBooks vs. Intuit GoPayment and QuickBooks for Taking Credit Cards

While there are plenty of mobile card readers (such as those available from Square, Authorize.Net, AnywhereCommerce, and more) FreshBooks is one of few that is offered by and directly integrates with accounting software. The main competitor in that arena is Intuit’s GoPayment, the mobile processing solution from the makers of QuickBooks. How do FreshBooks mobile […]


Accounting software company FreshBooks rolled out an EMV/magstripe mobile credit card reader in the spring of 2016. We have a full review of the Freshbooks reader, but if you’re looking for more details, like how it stacks up to other options, this article is for you.

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Credit Card Processing

Taking EMV Chip Cards with a Smartphone or Virtual Terminal

In fact, many credit card processing companies have options for you. Learn how you can start taking chip cards securely with your smartphone or computer. Can I just use a basic mag stripe reader to take EMV chip cards? Smartphone and Tablet Card Readers Virtual Terminal Card Readers What are the costs for EMV capable readers? Are […]


The EMV liability shift brought chip cards to the US, requiring a host of credit card processing equipment changes. For those who take payments on-the-go, rest assured that there are chip-compatible smartphone and tablet readers.

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Credit Card Processing

Watch Out for EMV Non-Compliance Fees

Note: These fees were more common early after the EMV liability shift took place in 2015, but they can still apply for businesses that haven’t upgraded to chip-capable equipment. As time goes on, we anticipate these fees to be eliminated (or change into something else) as machines that can’t accept chip cards are phased out […]


The EMV liability shift has come and gone, and you probably know that if you don’t have an EMV-capable terminal to take chip cards, you’re liable for fraudulent transactions. But did you know that you may be subject to an EMV non-compliance fee, EMV non-enabled fee, or EMV non-acceptance fee?

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Credit Card Processing, Restaurants and Bars

Chip Credit Cards Mean Changes for Tipping

Some point of sale systems and credit card machines are now able to adjust for tips after the card is run, but others cannot. How did the process of tipping change with EMV chip cards? EMV Gratuity Variations by Card Type If some cards still work why should I change our tip process? How should […]


The EMV liability shift brought many changes to credit card acceptance, but there’s one major difference that restaurant owners should be aware of: accepting gratuities.

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Credit Card Processing

EMV Chip Card Acceptance

For most businesses, the compliance date was October 1st, 2015. (Pay at the pump gas stations had until 2020 to comply due to the cost and complexity of the upgrades.) What is EMV? Traditional Credit Cards vs. EMV Cards Fraud Reduction with EMV EMV Liability Shift Becoming EMV Compliant EMV Non-Compliance Fees EMV in Card-Not-Present […]


By now, EMV chip cards are commonplace in the United States. The major credit card companies announced requirements for processors and businesses to accept these chip cards because they had been shown to reduce fraud in card-present environments.

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