Credit Card Processing, Security and PCI Compliance

PCI Non Compliance Fee: An Expensive Reminder

Note that Visa and Mastercard do not impose fees on businesses that are PCI non-compliant – that decision comes solely from your processor, making a PCI non compliance fee a pure profit charge for processors. Processors are not required to charge you a non-compliance fee. Let’s take a closer look at PCI non-compliance fees and […]


Processors use PCI non-compliance fees as an expensive monthly reminder to prompt businesses to become PCI compliant.

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Security and PCI Compliance

PCI Compliance Fee: Legit or Rip Off?

Some credit card processors charge a PCI fee and provide no compliance support, others charge a fee for providing compliance scanning and assistance, and some don’t charge a fee at all. So how do you know if you’re being charged fairly? Let’s take a look. What is PCI? PCI Compliance Fees The Processor Charges a […]


Is a PCI fee just another junk credit card processing fee, or is it a legitimate charge? Actually, it’s both.

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Credit Card Processing

Debit Card Transaction Fees

Unnecessarily high debit card transaction fees are an easily correctable source of significant losses for many businesses. Understanding debit card transaction fees and the difference between signature debit and pin debit transactions will save your business thousands in processing fees. Feel free to jump down to the Signature Debit Vs Pin Debit Cost section if […]


Contrary to popular belief, PIN debit transactions incur more than just a flat fee, often making signature debit transactions cheaper to process. Understanding the ins and outs of debit card transaction fees will ensure you’re not losing hard-earned money pennies at a time.

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Credit Card Processing

What is a POS WATS fee?

Credit card processing statements are full of confusing acronyms and opaque fees. We can help you figure out what they are and how to lower your costs if your fees are adding up to an expensive processing solution. What is a POS WATS Fee? As mentioned above, the pos wats fee is a fee you’ll see […]


A pos wats or pos wat fee is a communication fee that is charged each time a business’s credit card equipment dials the processor’s toll-free 800 number to get or give information.

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Credit Card Processing

Credit Card Transaction Fees

A common and costly mistake when shopping for credit card processing services is to focus on a processor’s rate while paying little attention to transaction fees. The financial impact of this mistake is especially damaging for businesses with a low average sale amount. What’s the difference between a transaction fee and a processing rate? Authorization […]


More often than not, credit card transaction fees contribute more to cost than credit card processing rates.

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Credit Card Processing

Basis Points – The Basis for Fees

This article explains what a basis point is, how to calculate fees using basis points, and finally the role basis points play in credit card processing — specifically having to do with a processor’s markup. What is a basis point? A basis point is a unit of measurement that is equal to 1/100 of one […]


The term basis point is thrown around a lot in the credit card processing industry, but many sales people fail to realize that most people aren’t quite sure exactly what a basis point is, or what it means in terms of credit card processing fees.

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Credit Card Processing

What is a Retrieval Fee?

A cardholder’s issuing bank sends a retrieval request to the processing bank. Then the processing bank sends the request to the business. At this point a processor will assess a retrieval fee. A retrieval request does not involve the refund or reversal of a transaction. A reversal is only initiated if a chargeback occurs. Since […]


A retrieval fee is charged when a customer or the customer’s issuing bank requests a copy of a sales draft in order to substantiate a transaction. This is called a retrieval request, and most credit card processors charge a nominal retrieval fee to process a request.

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Credit Card Processing

Transaction Integrity Fee (TIF) Visa

Effective April 13, 2012, Visa began charging a Transaction Integrity Fee (TIF) of $0.10 on transactions involving Visa debit and prepaid cards that do not meet CPS requirements (more on this later). The Transaction Integrity Fee will not apply to Visa credit card transactions. Transaction Integrity Fee Details of the Transaction Integrity Fee Transaction Integrity […]


In 2012, Visa added a Transaction Integrity Fee to its list of charges for accepting a Visa credit card at a business.

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